Paradise and Hell
Contrary to what many may think, the descriptions of Paradise and Hell throughout the Quran are allegorical. This is made clear in the Quran.
Part 1: Paradise
The descriptions of Paradise in the Quran are numerous and varied and they speak of flowing rivers of honey, milk and wine, as well as fruits of every kind, purified spouses, being adorned with bracelets of gold, and garments of silk and brocade. All while reclining on lush couches in elevated mansions, and being offered cups of delicious drinks from flowing springs.
However, of no less importance, we note that in a number of verses when such descriptions occur as independent statements and not within a general subject, the word 'mathal' (allegory) is placed at the front of these descriptions:
The 'mathal' (example) of Paradise, that is promised to the reverent, is that beneath which rivers flow, and its food supply is everlasting as well as its shade. Such is the outcome of those who were reverent while the outcome of the disbelievers is the Fire. 13:35
The word 'mathal' (example/allegory) used in these verses, tell us that such descriptions are by way of examples only, and therefore, should not be taken literally.
The Quran speaks of numerous categorical differences between the joys and pleasures on earth as opposed to those granted to the believers in Paradise:
Say, "The enjoyments of this world mean little, while the Hereafter is better for the reverent; and you will not suffer a thread's breadth of injustice." 4:77
Are you satisfied with the worldly life over the Hereafter? The enjoyment of the worldly life will mean little in the Hereafter. 9:38
2- All enjoyments we are given on earth are mere illusions:
The worldly life is no more than the enjoyment of delusion. 3:185
3- The joys and pleasures we are given on earth, which are dwarfed by those granted in Paradise, are therefore designed only for the duration of the worldly life:
4- The pleasures and rewards in Paradise are beyond our understanding and nothing like what we are given on earth:
No self knows what hidden delights await them as rewards for what they used to do. 32:17
For all the above, it was necessary for God to use allegories when speaking to us about Paradise and its rewards.
5- All what they wish for and God will have more:
Paradise already exists, since Adam and Eve were placed in it during their days of innocence (2:35).
Whoever is nudged away from the Fire, and admitted into Paradise, has indeed won. 3:185
A large number of Quranic verses that speak about Hell contain details of severe punishments, some of which are quite gruesome, such as:
Those who disbelieved in Our revelations, We will roast them in a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted, We will replace it with other skins so that they taste the punishment. God is Dignified, Wise. 4:56
Are such chilling illustrations literal or are they allegorical like the descriptions of Heaven?
It can also be shown that the descriptions of Hell in the Quran are allegorical, and that they are mentioned by way of deterrents only.
Throughout the Quran, a strong message is constantly ascertained: God's mercy is above any mercy we are able to conceive:
Say, "If you possessed my Lord's treasuries of mercy, you would have held back for fear of spending." 17:100
My mercy encompasses all things. 7:156
Are those the ones whom you swore that God will not bestow mercy upon? Enter Paradise. No fear is there concerning you, nor shall you grieve. 7:49
He is the Most Merciful of the merciful. 12:92
Who despairs of his Lord's mercy except the misguided ones? 15:56
You have encompassed all things in mercy. 40:7
One of the names God chose for Himself is Al-Raheem (The Merciful). This name appears in the Quran 114 times; a strong indicator for God's immense mercy.
Since the Quran is a Book that harbours no contradictions, how do we explain the apparent contradiction above?
Verse 1
They will have covers of fire above them and covers below them. With that, God frightens His servants: "O My servants, you shall therefore, reverence Me." 39:16
The words in this verse start with another severe punishment "covers of fire above them and covers below them".
Bearing in mind the above verses about God's infinite mercy, which encompasses all things, it can only be that the words "With that, God frightens His servants" mean one thing: all the gruesome descriptions of torture in Hell are used only as deterrents, or scare tactics.
Verse 2
We have seen that the words of 4:56 above portray the most gruesome punishment, with people's skins being constantly replaced by new skin so that the torture is continuous.
Your Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself. 6:54
The significance of these words is immense. They tell us that mercy will always override all decisions made by God. The implication of such profound act which God decreed on Himself is that all descriptions of gruesome punishment cannot be literal. God decreeing mercy on Himself means that even those whom the punishment is justified against will be among those who will benefit from the decree in 6:54.