The death of the believers

What happens to the believers at the moment of death? Do they taste death, or do their souls by-pass the process of death and simply move on to another life?

When the Jews plotted and succeeded in getting Jesus killed, they said that if he was truly the Messiah, God would have saved him! In contrast, the Quran states that the mere fact that messengers and prophets were killed by the hands of the disbelievers, does not mean that they were not genuine messengers of God:

Regarding those who disbelieve in God's revelations, and kill the prophets unjustly, and kill those among the people who advocate justice, give them news of a painful punishment. 3:21

"Say, "Why then did you kill God's prophets before if you were believers?" 2:91

God raised the soul of Jesus before his enemies could torture and crucify him. In actual fact what they crucified was a soulless body.

God said, "O Jesus, I am taking you back, raising you to Me and cleansing you of those who disbelieved." 3:55

The words "raising you to Me" are mentioned before the words "and cleansing you from those who disbelieved". This indicates the correct sequence of events; when the disbelievers tortured and crucified Jesus, his soul had already been raised.

Once again this is confirmed with the Quranic words:

and their saying, "We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God." In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them that they did. 4:157

Compare this to a person in a coma for few days before he is declared dead. For the duration of the coma his physical organs such as the heart and lungs may still be functioning, but his soul has departed. In addition, when we sleep, God takes our souls, then they are returned to us upon waking up. Consequently, the one who is in a coma and then dies without ever waking up has in fact been dead from the moment he slipped into the coma.

He is the One who takes you back during the night, and He knows what you have done during the day, then He resurrects you in it until a specified term is fulfilled, then to Him is your ultimate return. He will then inform you of what you used to do. 6:60

God takes back the selves at the time of their death, and also of those who have not died during their sleep. Then He retains those for whom He has decreed death and sends the others back for a specified term. In that are signs for people who reflect. 39:42

There is strong indication in the Quran to suggest that the example given for the death of Jesus is applicable to the death of all believers.

The fate of all believers who die in tragic circumstances (e.g. fire, drowning, air disasters, etc) is not any different from the manner in which the life of Jesus was ended on earth. As God is the Most Merciful, He would not let the believers suffer the pain of death. Thus, God takes their souls just before the actual accident happens. There are a number of Quranic verses which confirm this truth.

It is necessary first to point out that the Quran talks about two deaths. The first death occurred before we were brought into this world. It was a result of us failing to uphold God's absolute authority.
For more information on this subject please go to: Why we are here

After we were put through the first death we were born into this world. The fact that we were put to death before we were born into this world is confirmed in the following verse:

Blessed is the One in whose hand is the sovereignty and He is Capable of all things. The One who created death and life that He may test you as to which of you is best in deeds. He is the Dignified, the Forgiver. 67:1-2

The conspicuous placing of the word "death" before the word "life" is not coincidental. It signifies that we were put to death before given life on earth.
At the end of this earthly life, the
righteous do not die. Instead, they go straight to Paradise:

Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead. Rather, they are alive at their Lord, being provided for. 3:169

They (the believers) do not taste death therein beyond the first death and He has shielded them from the punishment of Hellfire. 44:56

It was said, "Enter Paradise." He said, "I wish my people would know about what my Lord has forgiven for me, and that He made me among the honoured." 36:26-27

The above verses all confirm that the righteous do not taste the second death, so even though the physical body is put to death, yet the believers do not taste this second death. Their 'nafs' (selves) are raised to God just before the moment of the physical death. When their lives on earth come to their predetermined end, the angel of death simply invites them to leave their earthly bodies and move on to Paradise.

They are the ones whom the angels take back in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise in return for what you used to do." 16:32

We also read in 89:27-30 that God invites the believers' souls to, "Enter Paradise".

On the other hand, the disbelievers know at the moment of death that they are destined for Hell. The angels beat them on the faces and rear ends (8:50 & 47:27), order them to evict their bodies (6:93) then snatch their souls (79:1).

In contrast to the believers who only taste the first death, the disbelievers go through two deaths (2:28 & 40:11). They will be put to death - a state of nothingness during which they see Hell day and night in a continuous nightmare that lasts until the Day of Judgement (40:46).

As far as the physical body is concerned, all people die! However, people do not realise that the righteous simply leave their bodies, and move on to Paradise.

They are delighted in what God has granted them of His favour, and they rejoice in the good news of those after them who have not yet joined them; that no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve. 3:170

The significance of this verse is truly great. While we still live here on earth, there are the righteous already residing in Paradise rejoicing in God's Grace and waiting for the rest of the believers to join them. This can only mean that when believers die they go straight to Paradise, while we are still here on earth.


God, being The Most Merciful, would not allow the righteous to suffer the pains of death, but the wicked ones do suffer:

Or do those who commit bad deeds think that We will treat them as those who believe and do good deeds, whether in their life or in their death? Miserable indeed is their judgment. 45:21

To conclude, beyond the first death, the believers do not taste the second death. In contrast, the disbelievers taste and suffer the pains of the second death at the end of their life on earth. This is the way the soul of Jesus was raised and as a result the disbelievers thought that they killed and crucified him, but they never did.

and their saying, "We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God." In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them that they did. 4:157

How can the believers not feel they are dying when their souls are taken out of their bodies? The answer is given in the following verse:

God takes back the selves at the time of their death, and also of those who have not died during their sleep. Then He retains those for whom He has decreed death and sends the others back for a specified term. In that are signs for people who reflect. 39:42

The words above inform us that God takes the 'selves' at the time of sleep. The 'nafs' (self) actually leaves the physical body and goes to God while we are asleep. Do we feel this happening, or do we feel we are dying in any way? The answer is no. This will not be any different when God takes our selves one last time at the end of our earthly life.

Just as when our selves left our bodies during our sleep, if we die as believers, our souls will leave our bodies at the end of our earthly life thereby escaping the moment of physical death. In contrast, the disbelievers who die in a fire, drowning or in any other horrible way, will feel the pains of the event after which their selves will be snatched out of their bodies by the angels who beat their faces and back sides (
8:50, 47:27).