Quran: All you need for Salvation
The words of the Quran speak loud saying:
We do not come down except by the command of your Lord. To Him belongs what is before us, what is behind us, and what is in between. Your Lord is never forgetful. 19:64
God told us that the Quran has all the details we need to practice the religion. Yet, the fabricators of the hadith which we have today in the collections of Bukhari and others, written more than 200 years after the death of the prophet, have come up with religious teachings dictating to their followers all kinds of ridiculous issues. Examples of these are: which side to sleep on; with which foot to enter the toilet; how to cut one's nails; how to urinate and even the necessity to sneeze upon waking up in the morning!
So entrenched in this ideology of trivialities are the promoters of hadith, that the authorities in Saudi Arabia appoint guards inside the Masjid Al-Haram in Mecca, to seek out the exhausted visitors and beat them with a stick if they fall asleep on the wrong side!
The Quran proclaims that the Quran is complete, perfect, and fully detailed:
Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book (Quran) fully detailed? 6:114
This (Quran) is not fabricated hadith, but an authentication of what came before it, a detailed account of all things, and guidance and mercy for people who believe. 12:111
We did not leave anything out of the Book (Quran). 6:38
We brought the Book (Quran) down to you providing explanations for all things, guidance, mercy, and giving news for the Submitters. 16:89
A Book whose verses have been detailed; an Arabic Quran for people who know. 41:3
Hadith & Sunna:
Satanic Innovations
Satanic Innovations
These are God's revelations (Quran) that We recite to you with truth, so in which hadith other than God and His revelations do they believe? 45:6
This (Quran) is not a fabricated hadith, but an authentication of what came before it, a detailed account of all things, and guidance and mercy for people who believe. 12:111
Among the people is he who trades in baseless hadith to mislead from the path of God. 31:6
You will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of God. 33:62
The Quran informs us that some enemies of every prophet, described as "human and jinn devils," will fabricate lies and attribute them to the prophet:
And thus We have made for every prophet enemies for among the human and jinn devils. They inspire to one another fancy sayings in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and what they fabricate.
This is to let the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to it, accept it, and thus commit what they are committing. 6:112-113
Immediately after the above words, God proclaims:
Immediately after the above words, God proclaims:
Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114
The message in the above words cannot be any clearer. The words in 6:112 and 6:113 portray precisely what happened after prophet Muhammad's death; Hadith (oral) and Sunna (actions) were invented and attributed to the prophet. Hadith and Sunna are satanic innovations because they:
1- Defy the divine assertions that the Quran is complete, perfect, fully detailed, and shall be the only source of religious guidance.
2- Blaspheme against the prophet and depict him as one who disobeyed God's command to follow only the Quran that was revealed to him (46:9), and the command not to teach any personal teachings and attribute them to God (69:44).
3- Create false doctrines based on superstition, ignorance, and indefensible nonsensical traditions.
Some Muslims compromise: "If a Hadith agrees with the Quran we will accept it, and if it contradicts the Quran, we will reject it!" Such premise proves that these people do not believe God's assertions that the Quran is "complete, perfect and fully detailed." If they believed that the Quran is all they need, why would they need any hadith, even if it agrees with the Quran?
The moment they seek guidance from anything besides the Quran, no matter how "right" it seems, they fall into Satan's trap and invitation to commit shirk (42:21). They would declare their rejection of God's command not to follow any hadith (45:6) and they demonstrate that they are not satisfied that the Quran alone is sufficient.