The misinterpretation and manipulation of Quranic verses
Researched by A. Mohamed
As for those who harbour deviation in their hearts, they pursue
the multiple-meaning verses seeking to cause discord
and seeking to interpret it.
In 3:7 we read that the Quran contains two types of verses. The first type of verses are the clear-cut verses (muhkamaat). As long as no foreign words are added to the interpretations of the clear-cut verses, they support only one clear meaning. The clear-cut verses are all the law-giving Quranic verses in the Quran. We will be held accountable to obeying the law in such verses, and so God would not phrase such verses in any uncertain manner.
The second type of verses are the verses which can support more than one meaning (mutashabihaat). There are a number of reasons as to why God placed such multiple-meaning verses in the Book.
The reason that concerns us in this specific research is that in such verses, God instilled a test for the people. Will they adhere to the meaning that conforms to the message of the Quran, and which is derived from Quranic evidence, and which is in harmony with other Quranic verses? Or will they seek a manipulated meaning that serves the non-Quranic ideologies of the reader?
We should remember at this point that God informed us that He guides some people with the Quran and at the same time, God misguides some people, also with the Quran:
In the majority of cases, the mis-interpretations were a result of the scholar's attempt to uphold non-Quranic sources (hadith, culture, innovations, etc) which are not in harmony with the Quranic verdict in those verses.
As an example. when a clear contradiction arose between a Quranic verse and a particular hadith, such interpreters chose to manipulate the meaning of the Quranic verse so as to comply with the content of the hadith!
As it happens, the number of cases where the Quran is contradicted by hadith is quite high. This discrepancy ultimately lead to the question: Could it be that the faithful prophet of God preached what is in contradiction to the Word of God?
The answer is that he did not! The genuine believer in the Quran, and in the integrity of the prophet, will arrive at the conclusion that the numerous contradictions between the Quran and the hadith is because the hadith in question is fabricated and cannot be the true words of the prophet.
For more information on the history of the collection and documentation of the hadith please go to: The History of hadith
The following are some of these many misinterpretations:
1- Is the challenge in 2:23 related to the poetic style of the Quran? 2:23
(To read the full details of any misinterpretation, please click on the relevant link)
7- The duration of Hajj 2:197
As per 2:197, God decreed that Hajj may be observed anytime during the four "known months" (9:36). This has been corrupted and limited to the first 10 days of the Islamic month of Zhu Al-Hijjah.
8- The manipulation of 2:223
Does the Quran allow men to rape their wives?
9- The manipulation of 2:239
10- The manipulation of 3:31
Does "following the messenger" mean to follow the books of hadith and sunna?
13- The misinterpretation of 4:17
Does God accept repentance only if the offence is committed in ignorance?
14- The manipulation of 4:34
16- The misinterpretation of 4:43
18- The manipulation of 4:65
Do the words in 4:65 imply that we should accept the hadith as a source of law?
19- The manipulation of 4:80
Do the words in 4:80 say that the words of the prophet are on par with the words of God?
20- The "lahm" (flesh) of the Pig 5:3
Do the words in 5:19 authorise the messenger to teach his own teachings besides the Quran?
22- The punishment for theft 5:38
The correct Quranic meaning of the word "ummi".
Does 8:41 set a fixed 20% payment for Zakat?
29- The misinterpretation of 9:24
Do the words in 9:24 invite us to love Muhammad more than our parents, children, spouses, siblings as well as all our wealth and property? In other words, is God inviting us to idolize Muhammad?
30- The misinterpretation of 9:29
Does this verse promote war on all non Muslims until they pay the jizyah?
31- The misinterpretation of 9:123
Should the believers kill all the disbelievers around them?
32- What does the word "rajeem" in 15:34 mean?
Do the words in these verses authorise the hadith as a second source besides the Quran?
34- The interpretation of 16:75-76
36- The misinterpretation of 17:79
Do the words in 17:79 speak of an additional Salat?
37- What is the correct meaning of the word "waredha" in 19:71?
41- The manipulation of 25:64
Do the words in this verse refer to an additional Salat not named in the Quran?
Why the advocates of the 5 Salat manipulate the meaning of specific Quranic words in order to justify their non Quranic Salat.
Do the words in 33:21 instruct the believers to copy and mimic the messenger in everything he did from his religious practices, such as details on how he sneezed or with which foot he entered the toilet?
Do the words in this verse instruct the believers to follow the hadith and sunna of the prophet?
45- The manipulation of 33:36
How the followers of hadith, who set up their idols as law makers besides God, manipulate the words in 33:36 to imply that the messenger may issue commands separate from God and that the believers should blindly obey.
46- Was prophet Muhammad the "Last Messenger"? 33:40
What does the Quran say about this issue, and does the interpretation of the scholars agree with the Quranic account?
47- The corruption of 33:56
Do the words in 33:59 command women to cover all their bodies?
In 37:102-111 we read that Abraham saw a dream where he was to slaughter his son. Who was the dream from? What are the implications of this verse?
In this glorious verse God sets decisive criteria for the purity of anyone's faith, but sadly the scholars and interpreters have completely demolished the truth of this verse.
51- The misinterpretation of 48:27
Should the believers cut a piece of their hair to break the state of Ihram?
52- The misinterpretation of 48:29
Does the word 'pair' in 51:49 refer to male and female, or does it refer to a greater arrangement?
In these verses God confirms that what was revealed to prophet Muhammad (the Quran) was truly from God and not his own invention. Sadly, the idolisers of Muhammad have twisted the meaning of God's words to imply that every word spoken by Muhammad in his lifetime is to be regarded as divine inspiration!
Do the words in this verse prohibit anyone from touching the Quran except after performing ablution (wudu)?
Do the words in 59:7 elevate the messenger to the status of being a lawmaker besides God as some claim?
57- The misinterpretation of 60:10
58- The misinterpretation of 64:12
The misinterpretation of 64:12 claiming that the only duty of the messenger, which is to deliver God's message, applies only if the disbelievers turn away.
59- The manipulation of 65:4
60- The misinterpretation of 84:21
Should the believers prostrate on the ground when certain Quranic verses are read?
61- The misinterpretation of 111:1