Why Muslims should follow the Quran,
all the Quran, and nothing but the Quran
Researched by: A. Mohamed

1- The command to follow the Quran alone and reject all hadith

The Quran contains clear instructions to all Muslims to follow the Quran alone and reject all hadith. The Arabic word hadith means all sayings, narrations, talk, stories, etc. In a religious sense, the word hadith refers to the sayings attributed to prophet Muhammad. The hadith is regarded by the majority of traditional Muslim scholars as the second source of law after the Quran, despite the clear commands given in the Quran to follow the Quran alone and reject all hadith. The following Quranic verses make this issue clear:

These are God's revelations (Quran) that We recite to you with truth, so in which hadith other than God and His revelations (Quran) do they believe?

It is important to note that God used the word
"hadith" deliberately in 45:6 to further assert the instruction to follow the Book of God and no other source of religion. Sadly, the majority of translators have changed the word "hadith" to words like 'statement', 'exposition', 'discourse', 'announcement', thereby completely obliterating the message of this glorious Quranic verse.

The reason for their deliberate alteration is obvious: if they had left the word
"hadith" as it is, they would immediately be pronouncing the death sentence on the books of hadith such as Bukhari, Muslim and others.
The same instruction is found in the following verses:

Which hadith after it (Quran) do they believe in? 7:185

So in which hadith after it (Quran) do they believe?

Both verses above, once again using the word
"hadith", contain the same clear commandment: not to follow any source of religious guidance and law other than the Quran. We also read:

A Book has been brought down to you
, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it. It is a Reminder for the believers.
Follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord, and do not follow any allies besides Him. Little do you take heed! 7:2-3

The words in 7:2-3 contain clear instructions to follow the Quran and nothing else.

Or do you have some book in which you are studying?

In 68:37 God is mocking those who have other books besides the Quran which they follow.

And this is a blessed Book which We brought down, so follow it and be reverent so that you may attain mercy.

Once again, we read about the command to follow the Quran. No other source is mentioned.

It is said that we should follow the hadith because it has been proven to be authentic. However, the question of authenticity is not a factor in the command in 45:6 above.

And so the question that is posed to them is: what about 45:6, 7:185 and 77:50?
The words in 45:6 prohibit ANY hadith other than God's revelations (Quran). The question of authentic or not authentic is not mentioned anywhere in the command in 45:6.

2- The Quran has all the details

A number of Quranic verses state that the Quran has all the details of the religion, and thus, no other source is required. The following two verses state that the Quran has the details and explanations of all things:

This (Quran)
is not a fabricated hadith, but a confirmation of what came before it, a detailed account of all things, and guidance and mercy for a people who believe. 12:111

And We brought down upon you the Book providing explanations of all things.

Further confirmation is given in 6:114 in which we read that the Quran is fully detailed:

Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed?

In the same Sura (6) we read that God left nothing out of the Quran:

We did not leave anything out of the Book
. 6:38

3- God is the only Lawmaker

One of God's exclusive rights is that He is the only Lawmaker:

Shall I seek other than God as a 'Hakaman' (Lawmaker) when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed?

In some translations, the word 'hakaman' is translated as judge. That is also correct, for the role of a judge is to issue judgments that are as binding as laws. The Arabic word
'hakaman' is the one who issues 'ahkam' (laws). The words in 6:114 contain a command not to accept any source of (religious) law other than God.

We also know that one of the Quranic commands that is repeated in a number of verses is to obey God and obey the messenger:

O you who believe, obey God and obey the messenger, and do not nullify your work.

In other verses it is told that the believers are those who believe in God and His messenger:

Rather, the believers are those who believe in God and His messenger, then have no doubt, and strive with their money and themselves in the cause of God. Those are the truthful ones.

Now let us look at the following verse which speaks about lawmaking:

Do not utter lies that are portrayed by your tongues: "This is lawful, and that is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will not succeed.

The immediate observation is that when the subject was lawmaking, the words deliberately mention only God. The importance of this observation is that if the messenger was authorised by God to be a lawmaker, we would expect some people to say
"This is lawful, and that is unlawful" and attribute those to the messenger, and thus, the words in the verse would warn against those who claim that certain things are lawful or unlawful and attribute those to God or the messenger.

However, the words of the verses speak of those lies being attributed to God only, which confirms that God is the only lawmaker.
Further evidence that God is the only lawmaker is found in the following verse:

O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

Following a domestic dispute, prophet Muhammad prohibited an item (said to be honey) to please one of his wives. The reprimand was quick from God to set a reminder that the messenger does not have the authority of a lawmaker, but his only duty is to deliver the message of God:

The sole duty of the messenger is the delivery (of the message), and God knows what you reveal and what you conceal.

Finally, we have additional evidence that God is the only lawmaker in the following verse:

They ask you for a fatwa regarding women. Say, "God gives you a fatwa regarding them and also regarding what is recited to you in the Book about the orphaned women to whom you do not give what has been decreed for them, and you wish to marry them, and about the oppressed children, and about the orphans whose welfare you should maintain equitably. Whatever good you do, indeed, God is Knowledgeable thereof."

The word
'fatwa' means a ruling that is of a binding legal nature. The fact that God reminds the messenger that God is the One who issues a 'fatwa' and not the messenger signifies the same conclusion as above.

4- Following any religious rules, laws or rituals not authorised by God is an act of shirk

Or do they have 'shuraka' (partners) who legislate for them of the religion what God did not authorise? Had it not been for a decisive Word, they would have already been judged. Indeed, the transgressors shall have a painful punishment.

The third Arabic word in 42:21 is
'shuraka', it means partners. This word should not be overlooked. God could have said: 'Do they have others who legislate for them', but God deliberately chose the word 'shuraka'. The word 'shuraka' is an adjective from the noun 'shirk' (setting up partners with God in any of His exclusive rights).

Since the words in 42:21 connect the word
'shuraka' (partners) with the words 'legislate for them of the religion', the word 'shuraka' in this verse can only be speaking about those who are set up as religious lawmakers, and thus they are set up as partners with God in his right to be the only Lawmaker. It follows that all who advocate or follow religious rules or rituals not authorised by God are committing shirk. On the Day of Judgement, those who committed shirk will be asked: 'Where are your shuraka?' (6:22).

Further confirmation of the fact that following any religious source other than the Quran is an act of shirk is given in the following words:

Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord (Quran), There is no god except Him, and keep away from the mushrikeen.

5- Did prophet Muhammad follow or preach anything not found in the Quran?

As we have seen, the Quran contains the command to follow the messenger. To do so, the believers must follow what the messenger followed. This requires us to determine what exactly did the messenger follow. Specifically, did prophet Muhammad follow nothing other than what is in the Book of God, or did he follow and preach rituals or practices that are not found in the Quran?

The answer to such an important question is given in the Quran in the following words:

Say (O Muhammad)
, "I am not a novelty among the messengers, nor do I know what will happen to me or to you. I follow nothing other than what is revealed to me (Quran). I am no more than a clear warner."46:9 (also in 10:15).

The words above confirm that prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow nothing other than the Quran that was revealed to him by God.

Some interpreters have claimed that the words "what is revealed to me" in 46:9 (and 10:15) include the Quran and also the hadith of the prophet. They claim that every word uttered by the prophet was a revelation from God. As a result, they claim that the words "I follow nothing other than what is revealed to me" include the Quran and also the hadith of the prophet.
This claim is categorically refuted in the Quran, see point 13 below.

It follows that by following the Quran we would be following prophet Muhammad as well.

The claim that God authorised the Quran and also the hadith of the prophet comes unstuck in the face of the following verse:

And We brought down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (Quran)
with truth, confirming what came before it of the Scripture and superseding it. So judge between them in accordance with what God has brought down and do not follow their personal desires in place of what has come to you of the truth. 5:48

The command to follow the Book that
"God has brought down" and nothing else is emphasised in 5:48.

The importance of 5:48 is that it specifies to prophet Muhammad what he is to use and preach to his people. Needless to say, the words
"the Book" and "what God brought down" refer to the Quran and not to the books of hadith such as Bukhari, Muslim and others.

We find the same truth in the following words:

A Book (Quran) has been brought down to you
, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it. It is a Reminder for the believers. Follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord and do not follow any allies besides Him. Little do you take heed! 7:2-3

The following glorious words also shed important light on this matter:

So those who have believed in him (Muhammad), honoured him, supported him and followed the Light (Quran) which was brought down with him; they are the successful ones."

The words in 7:157 confirm that following prophet Muhammad means following
"the Light" which was revealed to him from God, and that is the Quran. The light is always mentioned as an attribute of the Holy Quran, such as:

O people, a proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have brought down to you a clear Light. 4:174

The words
"brought down" indicate that the "clear Light" can only be the Book of God. God's messengers are not brought down, the Quranic word used for messenger is "sent" to a people, such as:

And We sent to them a messenger from amongst them: "Worship God; you have no god other than Him, so will you not be reverent?"

The command to follow the messenger

The command to follow the messenger is clearly stated in numerous Quranic verses, such as:

He (God) said, "My punishment will strike whomever I please and My mercy encompasses all things, and so I shall decree it for those who are reverent, give the Zakat, and those who believe in Our revelations, and to those who follow the messenger, the ummi prophet.

Say (O Muhammad)
, "If you do love God, then follow me. God will then love you and forgive your sins. God is Forgiver, Merciful." 3:31 (also in 2:143, 3:53, 8:64, 9:117, 26:215)

The question is: what does following the messenger mean? Traditional Muslim scholars interpret the Quranic command to 'follow the messenger' to mean to follow his sunna. The word sunna which is used in the Quran, means the way of doing things or methodology. When we research the subject of the sunna in the Quran, we find five important matters:

1- The Quran authorises only one sunna, which has no substitute: the Sunna of God.

Such was the Sunna of God for those who passed away before. You will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of God.

2- The only sunna decreed for prophet Muhammad was the Sunna of God.

No blame falls upon the prophet concerning what God has decreed for him; the Sunna of God, as was decreed for those who passed away before. God's command is a pre-ordained decree.
3- No one is to divert from the Sunna of God.

You will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of God, and you will find that there is no diversion from the Sunna of God.

4- Nowhere in the Quran do we read the words "the sunna of Muhammad".

5- Finally, t
o follow the messenger means to follow what the messenger followed. The words in 35:43 above tell us that prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow the Sunna of God and not his own sunna. The Sunna of God is found in the Quran and not in the books of hadith.

7- The duty which God assigns to His messengers

The Quran confirms that the only duty of any messenger of God is to deliver God's message. Messengers are not sent to proclaim their own personal teachings. They are called messengers of God because they deliver a message from God.

The sole duty of the messenger is the delivery (of God's message).

The same message is found in 5:92, 16:35, 16:82, 24:54, 29:18, 42:48 and 64:12.

The words in 5:99
and the similar verses are a confirmation to all believers that the sole duty of any messenger is to deliver God's message, in the case of prophet Muhammad, the message he delivered from God is the Quran.

In addition to this confirmation
addressed to all believers and readers of the Quran, we also find God reminding prophet Muhammad of his sole duty:

But if they turn away, We did not send you as a guardian over them. Your sole duty is the delivery.

Following from 6:114, which confirms that God is the only lawmaker, and 5:99, which confirms that the only duty of the messenger is to deliver God's message, we have additional confirmation in Sura 10 that God alone has the authority to decree what is halal (lawful) and what is haram (prohibited):

Say, "Have you seen what God has brought down to you of provisions, of which you have made some unlawful and some lawful?" Say, "Did God give you permission, or are you fabricating lies about God?"

The significance of the words
"Did God give you permission" (for what is lawful and what is unlawful) cannot be ignored. The only name mentioned in connection with granting permission for what is lawful and what is not lawful is the name of God.

We also read in Sura 66 about the incident when God reprimanded prophet Muhammad for making the error of prohibiting something that was made lawful by God, or in other words, when he played the role of the lawmaker:

O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.

We may wonder why are the words in 66:1 included in the Quran. Surely, God does not mean to belittle His messenger in the eyes of the believers? Not at all, this verse is deliberately included in God's Book so that whoever reads the Quran would be ascertained that the authority of lawmaking belongs to God alone.

8- The command to obey God and obey the messenger

God commands the believers to obey God and obey the messenger, but God also makes sure that obedience to the messenger is linked to obeying the message he delivered and nothing else. This is ascertained in a number of Quranic verses that outline the only duty God gives His messengers. The following is one example:

Obey God and obey the messenger. If you turn away, then the sole duty of the messenger is the clear delivery (of God's message).

The obedience to the messenger and the deliverance of God's message are linked in the same verse.
Obeying the messenger does not mean that the messenger issued additional teachings outside of the Quran.

9- Why does the Quran say 'obey the messenger?

It is necessary to inquire why did God not just say
"obey God"? Why did God add the words "obey the messenger"?

1- The first and most obvious reason why the instruction "obey the messenger" was absolutely necessary is that God commanded the messenger (Muhammad) to say specific words to the people. It was thus necessary for God to also tell the people to "obey the messenger" when he tells them the words which God instructed him to say to them.

There is a total of 332 verses in the Quran in which God commands Muhammad to
"say" specific words to the people such as:

And they ask you (O Muhammad) about the orphans,
say, "Improving their affairs is best." If you mix your affairs with theirs, they are your brothers. God knows the corruptor from the reformer. Had God willed, He could have made things difficult for you. Indeed, God is Dignified, Wise. 2:220

2- Who among the companions of prophet Muhammad ever heard any of God's revelations directly from God? No one! Consequently, they cannot obey God except through what came out of Muhammad's mouth.

Is it obey "Muhammad" or "obey the messenger"?

We never read anywhere in the Quran words such as "Obey God and obey Muhammad" or obey Jesus or Moses. The words used are always "obey the messenger". This is to emphasise that it is the "message" of God that is to be obeyed and not the personal words or views of the messenger.

The claim that the Quran on its own is incomplete and is only completed by the sunna of the prophet

It is claimed by some scholars that the Quran on its own is not sufficient and that the hadith and sunna of the prophet complete the religion for us and provides us with what is not in the Quran.

Sadly, many accept this claim without verifying its truth in the light of the Quran. Others, thinking they are better guided say that they do not follow except what has been proven to be the authentic sunna of the prophet.

This is what God has to say about the claim that the Quran is not sufficient on its own and that it is completed by the sunna:

Today, I have completed your religion for you, perfected My blessing upon you and approved Islam as the religion for you.

This glorious Quranic verse was revealed near the end of the Quranic revelation and confirms that the religion of God is completed in the Quran. And in another verse, God assures us that:

The Word of your Lord has been completed, in truth and justice. There is none to alter His Words. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable. 6:115

All who insist that the Quran on its own is not complete, and that it is completed by the sunna of the prophet, are rejecting the truth in the above verses.

The concept of 'al-tawatur' (rituals inherited across the generations)

The concept of 'al-tawatur' as used in an Islamic point of view states that much of our rituals and how to observe them came to us in a preserved form across the generations. The 'al-tawatur' is accepted by virtually all schools of Islam as a lawful source of law.

It is therefore added that we should accept and follow such preserved rituals that we received from our fathers and our forefathers.

It is important to note that what came to us by means of 'al-tawatur' is, by definition, rules and rituals that are not found in the Quran. If they were in the Quran they would not be called 'al-tawatur', but would be called Quranic law.

When we examine the Quranic evidence, we find that the concept of 'al-tawatur' would be in numerous violations with the Quran.

: The claim that some rituals are not found in the Quran

The claim that various rituals that we must follow are not found in the Quran because they came to us across the generations is a clear violation of the Quranic confirmation that the Quran has all the details (6:114) and that nothing has been left out of the Book (6:38). For the full details, please see point 2 above: The Quran has all the details.

: Nothing is preserved except the Quran

The claim that the rituals that came to us across the generations have been preserved also violates the Quranic truth.

First, we note that God gave a promise in the Quran that the Quran will be preserved for all time:

Indeed, it is We who brought down the Reminder, and We will surely preserve it.

Nothing other than the Quran is guaranteed preservation. Even the previous Scriptures sent by God were not granted such a guarantee. We read in the Quran that previous Scriptures were subject to corruption:

Some amongst the Jews distort the words out of their context.

Among them is a group who twist the Scripture with their tongues so you would think that it is from the Scripture when it is not from the Scripture. And they say it is from God when it is not from God. And they say lies about God, knowingly.

We also read in the Quran that basic rituals, such as the Salat, were lost by generations that followed one another:

Then after them, there came successors who lost the Salat and pursued the lusts, and so perdition awaits them.

To know that the Books of God
themselves were corrupted by the people, and the rituals were corrupted across the generations, yet still claim that the rituals which came to us across the generations were preserved is without Quranic justification.

Now that we have more clarity about the issue of the authenticity of the inherited rituals, we need to look into the legality of such inherited rituals.

: The legality of the inherited rituals

How lawful is it, in God's law, to accept religious rituals by means of inheritance from our fathers and our forefathers? Does the Quran allow us to accept such a source for our religion?

1- Quranic instruction against following inherited rituals

First, we will not find any Quranic verse that permits us or invites us to take our religious practices from our fathers or from those before us. The word 'al-tawatur' is not mentioned directly or indirectly in the Quran. In fact, the claim that what we inherited from our fathers is a lawful source for our religious rituals is given the death sentence in the following clear-cut Quranic words:

And if they are told, "Follow what God has brought down," they say, "Rather, we follow what we found our fathers upon." What! Even if the devil is inviting them to the punishment of the Blaze?

The Quranic words
"what we found our fathers upon" can be replaced by the word 'al-tawatur' and the meaning will remain unchanged. The message of this glorious verse is that we are to follow what "God has brought down", which for us is the Quran, and not what came to us from our fathers. Naturally, if what we received from our fathers is identical to what "God has brought down" then there would be no problem. But even then, we would be following the Book of God and not the passed-down rituals.

Now let us take a second look at the last sentence in 31:21 which is:
"Even if the devil is inviting them to the punishment of the Blaze?" These words come immediately after the words "We follow what we found our fathers upon." The connection between the two sentences is indeed alarming. What God is telling us is that one of the ploys of the devil in misleading the people is to give them a false sense of security that in following what they inherited from their fathers, they are doing the right thing. However, the truth is that he is leading them to the "punishment of the Blaze."

The warning in 31:21 is repeated in 2:170 and 5:104.

2- How is 'al-tawatur' transmitted

As mentioned above, the 'al-tawatur' is by definition rules and rituals that are not found in the Book of God but that came to us from our fathers. So how exactly were these rituals transmitted to us? They came to us from what our fathers taught us and what our teachers taught us. This leads to an important question:

When our fathers and our teachers passed down to us those rituals, were the words we heard from them human hadith, or were their words divine revelation? The clear answer is that the words of our fathers and teachers are human hadith.

As we have seen in the first point of this article, we have a clear prohibition in the Quran against following any hadith other than the Quran:

These are God's revelations (Quran) that We recite to you with truth, so in which hadith other than God and His revelations (Quran) do they believe?

3- Quranic confirmation that we are not accountable to what those before us used to do

That was a nation that has passed away. To them is what they have earned and to you is what you have earned. You will not be questioned about what they used to do.

The claim that we should follow what came to us across the generations is once again dealt a severe blow in the words above. God makes it clear that we are not accountable for what those before us used to do. They will be accountable to their work and us to ours. What this means is that we should not be concerned in any way about what they used to do, nor follow what they used to do.

Due to the importance of the truth in 2:134, it is repeated word for word in 2:141

4- The significance of the quarrel among the companions of the Fire

He said, "Enter the Fire among nations of jinn and humans which have passed away before you." Every time a nation entered, it cursed its sister nation. Once they are all in, one after the other, each latter one will say of its predecessor, "Our Lord, these have misled us, so give them a double punishment of the Fire." He said, "For all is double, but you do not know."
And each predecessor said to its latter, "You have done us no favour either, so taste the punishment for what you used to earn." 7:38-39

Every nation that ends up in Hell in the Hereafter will curse and blame its predecessor. All those nations will curse those who came before them. Why would all those nations blame one another if it were not that what their predecessors passed down to them caused them to end up in Hell? So much so for the 'al-tawatur'.

The wisdom of the words in the verses above confirm the same matters:

1- We should never follow any rituals through inheritance from those before us, but we should follow rituals and practices because they are authorised in the Book of God.

2- The fact that all those nations have passed on corrupt rituals to those who followed them also debunks the theory that the rituals are preserved between generations.

13- The Quranic warning to the messenger not to teach anything not found in the Quran

The Quran also confirms that prophet Muhammad was commanded not to teach any other teachings; otherwise, he would incur severe punishment from God:

It (Quran) is a revelation from the Lord of the Worlds
. Had he (Muhammad) falsely attributed any sayings to Us, We would have grabbed him by the right, and We would have severed his aorta. None of you would be able to prevent it. And indeed, it is a Reminder for the reverent.69:43-48

The above words contain a clear and stern warning from God to the prophet never to attribute anything to God other than the Quran.

14- What was prophet Muhammad commanded to testify to regarding what was revealed to him from God?

In one of the very significant verses in the Quran, we read about a testimony which God commanded prophet Muhammad to utter:

Say, "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you, and this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness." Say, "He is but One God, and I am innocent of the shirk that you commit."

The words above tell us that prophet Muhammad was made to testify to receiving the Quran from God. In this testimony, which God calls
"the greatest testimony", we find no mention of other than the Quran.

The reader of the Quran is entitled to ask: If the hadith of the prophet was a revelation received from God, as the hadith advocates claim, why was this revelation not included in the testimony above?

If the revelation prophet Muhammad received from God included the Quran and also the hadith, would God instruct Muhammad to testify to receiving the Quran only (6:19) and keep the revelation of the hadith a secret?

In addition, if the hadith of the prophet was revealed to him by God, then how do we explain the multiple reprimands from God to Muhammad in the Quran for errors he made? Was God inspiring errors to the prophet and then reprimanding him for them?

the verdict of 6:19 in which prophet Muhammad was commanded to testify to receiving the Quran from God (no mention of any other revelation mentioned), we have 2 more pieces of evidence that confirm the same truth:

And We brought down to you the Book (Quran) with truth, confirming what came before it of the Scripture and superseding it. So judge between them in accordance with what God has brought down, and do not follow their personal desires in place of what has come to you of the truth. 5:48

The words in 5:48 include a command from God to prophet Muhammad to rule in accordance with what God brought down to him. The only thing mentioned to have been brought down to the prophet in the verse is once again the Quran.

A Book (Quran) has been brought down to you (O Muhammad)
, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it. It is a Reminder for the believers.
Follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord and do not follow any allies besides Him. Little do you take heed! 7:2-3

Once again, the prophet was commanded to follow what was brought down to him, and as per the words in 7:2, God mentions only the Quran for what was brought down.

Throughout the Quran, we cannot see any evidence of any revelation Muhammad received from God other than the Quran.

15- Instructions left by prophet Muhammad to his people

In accordance with God's command to prophet Muhammad in 46:9, to follow nothing other than the Quran that was revealed to him, we find that prophet Muhammad commanded his people not to write his hadith:

"Do not write down anything from me except the Quran. Whoever writes other than that should delete it"
(Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 1, page 171 also Sahih Muslim, Book 42, Number 7147)

It is a fact that the large majority of Muslims do not know that the prophet prohibited the writing of his hadith, nor that the bulk of the hadith present today, which is regarded by historians as 'sahih' (authentic), was written more than 200 years after the death of the prophet.

For the first 200 years after the death of the prophet, and in accordance with his instructions, the writing of his hadith was forbidden. Out of the 6 'sahih' hadith collections we have today, the first to be written was the collection of Al-Bukhari. Al-Bukhari was born in the year 194 after Hijrah. What this means is that the first of what is regarded as authentic hadith (sahih) to be compiled, was written more than two whole centuries after the death of the prophet.

Even if we were to follow the hadith (which is prohibited in the Quran), we would still be faced with the question of how accurate can a collection of sayings documented two centuries after the death of the prophet be?

What will every people be held accountable to

On Judgement Day, all people will stand before Almighty God and be judged. The Quran sets the accountability of every people to the Book which God revealed to them. When these guidelines are applied to the receivers of the Quran, the Quranic words below inform us that we will be accountable to the Quran and nothing else:

And you will see every nation kneeling. Every nation will be called to its Book. "Today you are repaid for what you used to do.

For each of you, We have decreed a law and a method. Had God willed, He would have made you one nation, but He tests you through what He has given each of you.

We know best what they say, and you are not a tyrant over them. So remind with the Quran those who fear My warning.

It (Quran) is a Reminder for you and your people, and you will all be called to account. 43:44

17- The issue of infallibility

God commanded prophet Muhammad in the Quran to say that he is infallible in the revelation he received from God (Quran), but that he may commit errors in his personal words and hadith:

Say, "If I stray, I stray to my own loss, and if I am guided, it is by what my Lord inspires to me. He is Hearer, Near.

In spite of the above confirmation of the fallibility of prophet Muhammad, together with multiple incidents in the Quran where the prophet was reprimanded by God for errors he committed, it is claimed by traditional Muslim scholars that prophet Muhammad was infallible. The following verses contain some of those reprimands: 8:67-68, 9:43, 9:113-114, 33:37, 66:1 and 80:1-11.

Why does God allow hadith to exist and to be documented

The Quran confirms that for every prophet there will be enemies of human and jinn devils who will fabricate fancy sayings and attribute them to the prophet to deceive the people:

And thus, We have made for every prophet enemies from among the human and jinn devils. They inspire to one another fancy sayings in order to deceive.

We then read in verse 113 that God allows such hadith to be written and circulated so as to set a test for the people and that it is the disbelievers and hypocrites who will accept it and thus commit what they will commit:

This is to let the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to it, accept it, and thus commit what they are committing.

If God destroyed all fabricated hadith and never allowed it to exist, the tool for the test would not exist.

The Quran is all we need

Finally, genuine believers will follow nothing other than the Quran because they accept God's assurances in the following verses:

The Quran is complete and does not need additional sources:
The Word of your Lord has been completed, in truth and justice.6:115

The Quran is not in need of an explanatory supplement since it is clear, easy to understand and is not ambiguous:
A.L.R. These are the signs of the clear Book. 12:1
We have made it easy and in your tongue so that they may be reminded. 44:58

The Quran is not in need of a correction manual since it is perfect and harbours no contradictions:
A.L.R. A Book whose verses have been perfected. 11:1

The Quran is not in need of a 'details' supplement since it is fully detailed:
Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114

For all the above reasons, all Muslims should follow the Quran, the whole Quran and nothing but the Quran.

Praise God, the One, the Almighty